Access to data





General Data Protection Regulations gives every living person (or authorised representative) the right to apply for access to their health records.


To make a request

A request for your medical health records held  must be made in writing (e-mails accepted) to the data controller who is the Practice Manager (please contact the practice for alternative methods of access if you are unable to make a request in writing). You can apply using an Application for Access to Medical Records Form available from reception if you wish.



Access to your medical records are free of charge, however, we do require a full application to be completed for access.

Where applications may be considered excessive a charge may be applied.



Access to the NHS App is free using your computer or smartphone and we advise all patients to apply for detailed patient access in line with accessing documents and other such health information.


If you have any complaints about any aspect of your application to obtain access to your health records, you should first discuss this with the clinician concerned. If this proves unsuccessful, you can make a complaint through the NHS Complaints Procedure by contacting the Practice Manager.

(All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days and a full response will be provided within 10 working days. If a complaint is made verbally to the practice, this will be documented and you will be asked to confirm in writing that you agree with what has been recorded.

Further information about the NHS Complaints Procedure is available on the NHS Choices website

Alternatively you can contact the  Information Commissioners Office